I’m absolutely obsessed with these microfiber makeup remover pads!!
I wear makeup almost every day and had enough of buying and throwing away cotton pads so I started looking into other ways to remove my makeup. These affordable and reusable pads are actually amazing! They remove your makeup with only water and are easily cleaned and sanitized by putting them in your washing machine.
I found this brand on Amazon and figured I would test them out and share how I got on. I wasn’t convinced that my whole face of makeup would come off with only water but to my surprise it actually did. The microfiber cotton really gets into your pores and removes everything even your mascara, I then go on with my daily skincare routine but it really isn’t needed depending on your skin type and the amount of makeup you wear.
Once you’ve used a few of them just throw them in the bag that comes with all 6 pads, and in your washing machine with the rest of your laundry.

Reusable makeup remover pads £11.99