Now that a second lockdown is officially starting on Thursday, there’s no better time to start reading a good book. I recently did a poll on Instagram and the results showed most of you wanted to know what I’ve been reading. So here it is, my first book review.

Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce
I don’t even know where to start with this one but OMG!!!! I think this might just be my favourite book I’ve ever read. As a thriller/mystery book it really does well at keeping you intrigued the whole way through. Every page I turned I just wanted to keep going, hence why I read this book in 2 days. Blood Orange follows the life of Alison, a full-time attorney who’s working on a murder case whilst also trying to juggle being a mom. There’s someone out there who knows all her secrets and wants to make her pay for some of the things she’s done…but who is it?
The husbands secret by Liane Moriarty
I absolutely love all of Liane Moriarty’s books but this one is definitely one of her best in my opinion. She’s also the author behind the tv series “Big little liars” which I 100% recommend watching if you’re into this kind of crime/mystery books. This one follows Cecilia, a stay at home mom who finds a letter written by her husband. The letter states – To be opened in the event of my death. Obviously, she opens it but can she live with what she’s just found out?
American Royals by Katharine Mcgee
You’ve probably heard of this one already since it’s been on the top-recommended books to read this year. American Royals is told from 4 different point of view, which really lets you get into the mind of these girls. The best way to describe this book is Gossip girl meet The Crown. A sequel to this book just came out last month and I’m really looking forward to reading it and sharing my review with you.
I hope this review helped you choose your next book and you enjoy these as much as I did. Please comment below and let me know which books you recommend, I’m always looking for some more exciting books!!
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