It’s that time in my pregnancy where my hospital bag should be ready to go by the front door. I’m a bit late and it’s not ready but I started it… that counts right!? 35 weeks pregnant, baby Gray is head down and should be making an appearance in the next 5 weeks, I still can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by.
Although my bag isn’t fully packed, I’ve got baby Gray’s hospital bag all packed with cute onesies and accessories. Basic necessities right? Haha! In this post, I’m sharing everything I’ve packed for baby as well as a few things I’ve bought to welcome him home.
Depending on where you live, hospitals provide different things and have different rules so keep that in mind. I’ve kept it pretty basic with a few extra bits in case we have to stay in the hospital for longer.
Here’s what is in baby Gray’s hospital bag.
- Diaper bag
- 1 pack of water wipes
- 1 small pack of size 1 diapers
- pacifier
- travel size of bum cream
- travel size of baby shampoo and body wash
- 1 swaddle & 1 blanket
- 2x muslins
- 4 onesie pj’s ( 1xpremie, 2x newborn & 1x 0-3 months)
- coming home outfit
- 3x white bodysuits
- pair of mittens and socks
- 1 knotted gown with matching hat
- carseat wih spare blanket for colder weather
- empty plastic bag for dirty laundry
I’ll be using the diaper bag to carry all of these items and this way I know all of baby’s things will be in one place.

Now feel free to leave a comment below with what you think I should be adding to baby’s bag. With the current hospital rules here in the UK, my husband won’t be allowed to stay after labour so I figured If I need anything else he can bring it whenever he comes back for his 2-hour daily visit…but hoping it will be nice and easy, quick in and out with baby.
I’ve also linked a few items we’ve bought to welcome baby Gray home and some of my favourite autumn/winter baby boy clothes…Can you tell I’m way too excited about dressing him?