I was born and raised in Canada until I met my husband and moved to England.
I speak fluent French. I started learning English when I was about 12 years old, had the thickest French accent which is kinda funny because now most people I meet don’t even realize that french is my first language
Food is my best friend! Cheese, any cheese..I’ll have it all. I’m definitely a foodie, I’ve not finished my current meal but I start thinking about what I want to eat next.
I LOVE Christmas!! I’m that person that starts decorating in October, and if it was socially acceptable I’d probably leave my decorations up until March.
I was a flight attendant for 6 years and absolutely loved it. I got to travel the world while getting paid.. WINNING!
Cliché… I married an airline pilot.
I’m of Native American Indian descent.
I love naps, any time, any day. I’m pretty sure I was a sloth in my previous life. 😉